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Kursaal Auditorioa - Season Ticket
15% DISCOUNTS: Those purchasing tickets for the six shows programmed to take place in Kursaal Auditorioa at the Jazzaldia will receive a discount of 15% on the price of a single ticket.
This discount is not valid on top of the concessions available to Donostia Kultura members, people under the age of 30, pensioners and the over-65s, or the unemployed.
In paying concerts, the full price of a ticket must be paid for all spectators over the age of 3 (inclusive).
The 58 San Sebastian Jazz Festival will be a smoke-free space.
San Telmo Museoa - Škoda Season Ticket
15% DISCOUNTS: Those purchasing tickets for the five shows programmed to take place in Škoda San Telmo Museoa at the Jazzaldia will receive a discount of 15% on the price of a single ticket.
This discount is not valid on top of the concessions available to Donostia Kultura members, people under the age of 30, pensioners and the over-65s, or the unemployed.
In paying concerts, the full price of a ticket must be paid for all spectators over the age of 3 (inclusive).
The 56th Jazzaldia, running from July 21-25, offering a total of 60 free and paying concerts in 8 venues throughout the city, will be a smoke-free space.
Trinitate Plaza Season Ticket
15% DISCOUNTS: Those purchasing tickets for the four days programmed to take place in Trinitate Plaza at the Jazzaldia will receive a discount of 15% on the price of a single ticket.
This discount is not valid on top of the concessions available to Donostia Kultura members, people under the age of 30, pensioners and the over-65s, or the unemployed.
In paying concerts, the full price of a ticket must be paid for all spectators over the age of 3 (inclusive).
The 58 San Sebastian Jazz Festival will be a smoke-free space.
Victoria Eugenia Antzokia - FCC Season Ticket
15% DISCOUNTS: Those purchasing tickets for the five days programmed to take place in FCC Victoria Eugenia Antzokia at the Jazzaldia will receive a discount of 15% on the price of a single ticket.
This discount is not valid on top of the concessions available to Donostia Kultura members, people under the age of 30, pensioners and the over-65s, or the unemployed.
In paying concerts, the full price of a ticket must be paid for all spectators over the age of 3 (inclusive).
The 56th Jazzaldia, running from July 21-25, offering a total of 60 free and paying concerts in 8 venues throughout the city, will be a smoke-free space.
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